Waka Waka
Waka Waka is a 210 meter long fast-paced adrenaline rush!
Waka Waka is the first water slide of its kind in Europe. The ride can be compared to skiing, when you take out the cutting in one turn and where you get a wonderful speed boost with each turn. Jump in the raft and get ready for a crazy fun ride!
Swimming safety
For everyone's safety, special rules and guidelines apply in all our pools and water attractions. Read our rules and guidelines for swimming and water attractions.
Minst 120 cmBanans längd
210 mFallhöjd
23 mÅktid
ca 20 sekAntal åkare
2-3 pers/flotteVattenflöde
9 000 liter/minTillverkare
Proslide (Kanada)